About us

Central Therapy Service (CTS) provides tailored speech and language therapy assessments and sessions across the West Midlands (and nationally via telehealth) to children aged between 2 and 18 years. Our aim is to provide a fun, quality, evidence-based service to help reduce the vastly increasing communication needs within the county.  NHS waiting lists continue to grow, our service will bridge this shortfall.

At CTS we have gained a wide range of experiences, working in mainstream schools, specialist units, special educational settings, clinics, private schools, and homes. We also take part in clinical education for university students as well as research development, continued professional development and seminars.

Who do we work with?

At CTS we assess, treat and help manage communication difficulties with children aged 2 to18 years. The needs may be part of a diagnosis, an acquired difficulty or due to developmental delays.

  • Autism

  • Brain Injury

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Cleft lip/ palate

  • Dyspraxia (verbal/ oral)

  • Developmental Language Disorder

  • Global Delay

  • Hearing Impairment

  • Language Delay

  • Learning Difficulties

  • Memory/ recall

  • Pragmatics

  • Pathological Demand Avoidance

  • Selective Mutism

  • Speech sound errors

  • Stammer/ Stutter (Dysfluency)

  • Social Interaction difficulties

Don't just take our word for it, this is what out clients say

Services we provide

Initial Consultation

1:1 therapy sessions

School and nursery visits/meetings



  • A referral process so staff can refer children directly to the therapist.

  • A range of formal and informal assessments.

  • Reports.

  • Recommendations and resources.

  • 1:1 therapy or group therapy as required (dependant on contract hours)

  • SLTa provision

  • Training for staff & parents.

  • Specific, Targeted and Universal approaches

Frequently asked questions

  • YES! Your child has a right to access NHS services even if they have a private provider too. It is important that both ourselves and the NHS know about who else is involved and collaborate so to provide the best outcomes.

  • Yes, but this is dependent upon your insurance provider. It is best to contact them to clarify if speech and language therapy is covered in you plan, how much they will cover and any excess. Insurance payment is your sole responsibility, so if they do not cover the costs you will still be liable for the total fee.

  • It can be easier to establish a Childs communication needs in a setting they are happy and familiar with. Therefore, we typically see children at your home or within their school/ nursery setting.

Central Therapy Service (CTS) provides tailored Speech and Language Therapy assessments and sessions across the West Midlands (and nationally via telehealth) to children aged between 2 and 18 years.

Quick link

Contact info.

WhatsApp: 07731962174

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